Heardle 60s

Heardle 60s

Heardle 60s is a web-based word game that tests players' knowledge of 1960s popular music. The game presents players with an audio clip of a song from the 1960s, and they have six tries to guess the song's title and artist.

The audio clip starts briefly, but with each incorrect guess, more of the song is revealed. This progressive disclosure helps players who may not immediately recognize the song to make an educated guess as the song becomes more familiar.

Heardle 60s is a fun and challenging game for fans of 1960s music. It is a great way to test your knowledge of the era's iconic songs and discover new music that you may not have heard before.

Heardle 60s is a great way to test your knowledge of 1960s music and discover new songs. With its challenging gameplay and addictive nature, it's sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.